Uso del intercambiador de calor de placas bxb para blanquear y desblanquear gases de combustión

Uso del intercambiador de calor de placas bxb para blanquear y desblanquear gases de combustión

Los gases de combustión de la industria siderúrgica, de coque, química y de calderas se pulverizan o se desulfuran en húmedo antes de su descarga, y la temperatura desciende a 45~80 ℃. En este momento, los gases de combustión son gases de combustión húmedos saturados y contienen una gran cantidad de vapor de agua, que contiene sal ablativa, trióxido de azufre, polvo de gel, micropolvo, etc. (todos componentes importantes de la neblina).
Smoke whitening refers to the removal of some moisture from the smoke before it is discharged into the atmosphere, in order to prevent the chimney from emitting white smoke and reduce its impact on the environment. Normally, smoke whitening involves first cooling and condensing the smoke, followed by heating it. The main component of the air flue gas whitening unit is the BXB plate heat exchanger. In the plate heat exchanger, ambient air is used to cool the flue gas, thereby precipitating water from the flue gas. Afterwards, the flue gas is reheated to increase its temperature, so that there will be no "white smoke" when the flue gas is discharged into the atmospheric environment.

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shaohai administrador

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es_CLEspañol de Chile