鉄鋼、コークス、化学工業、ボイラーの排ガスは、排出前に噴霧または湿式脱硫が行われることが多く、温度は45〜80℃まで下がります。このとき、排ガスは飽和湿式排ガスであり、排ガスには大量の水蒸気が含まれており、その中にはアブレーション塩、三酸化硫黄、ゲル状ダスト、微細ダストなど(すべてヘイズの重要な成分)が含まれています。 Smoke whitening refers to the removal of some moisture from the smoke before it is discharged into the atmosphere, in order to prevent the chimney from emitting white smoke and reduce its impact on the environment. Normally, smoke whitening involves first cooling and condensing the smoke, followed by heating it. The main component of the air flue gas whitening unit is the BXB plate heat exchanger. In the plate heat exchanger, ambient air is used to cool the flue gas, thereby precipitating water from the flue gas. Afterwards, the flue gas is reheated to increase its temperature, so that there will be no "white smoke" when the flue gas is discharged into the atmospheric environment.