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Heat recovery for livestock and poultry houses: plate heat exchangers or rotary heat exchangers

The heat recovery products used in livestock and poultry houses mainly recover the heat energy in the exhaust through the principle of heat exchange and use it to preheat the fresh air entering the house. This not only ensures the minimum ventilation required in winter, but also reduces the heating energy consumption inside the building. This technology usually uses heat recovery ventilation equipment, such as plate heat exchangers or rotary heat exchangers, which can effectively capture the heat in the exhaust while ensuring the quality of the fresh air supply.

The main advantages include:

Reduce energy consumption: By recovering heat, the use of external heating equipment is reduced, significantly lowering energy costs.
Ensure air quality: Although heat recovery is carried out, it will not affect the circulation of air in the house, and the minimum ventilation rate can still be ensured to maintain the air quality in the livestock and poultry house.
Improving comfort: Preheating fresh air helps maintain a suitable temperature inside the house, reduce stress reactions in livestock and poultry, and improve production efficiency.
This technology is particularly important in cold winter regions as it can significantly reduce heating energy consumption while providing a healthy living environment for livestock and poultry.

Fresh air ventilator with waste heat recovery, primary efficiency, medium efficiency, high-efficiency air filters

Fresh air ventilator with waste heat recovery, primary efficiency, medium efficiency, high-efficiency air filters, customized production by the manufacturer

How a Double Rotor Setup Works

1. The enthalpy/adsorption rotor dehumidifies and cools the hot and humid outside air.

2. The cooling coil further dehumidifies the outside air until the requested humidity level is reached.

3. The sensible rotor reheats the outside air to the required supply air temperature.

4. At the same time, the exhaust air is cooled which increases the efficiency of the enthalpy/adsorption rotor.

double rotor concept

How does a rotary heat exchanger work?

The wheel is built up by a matrix that consists of two foils, one flat and one corugated;together, they create channels for the air to pass through. The wheel is rotated by an electricmotor and belt drive system.
In one half of the rotation, the exhaust air from the inside space flows through the matrix. ltsheat is stored in the matrix, and in the other half of the rotation, it is transferred to the freshsupply air from outside.
The size of the channel is called well height. Different well heights and diameters of thewheel give different efficiencies, pressure drops, and airflow rates.
Rotary heat exchangers that are properly constructed, installed, and maintained have almostzero transfer of particle-bound pollutants.

Principle of rotary heat recovery fresh air unit

The main component of the rotary heat recovery fresh air unit is a disc-shaped heat storage wheel, which is made of aluminum foil wound into a honeycomb shape as the heat storage body. During operation, fresh air passes through one half circle of the heat exchanger, while exhaust air flows in the opposite direction through the other half circle. The heat storage wheel rotates continuously at a speed of about 10 revolutions per minute under the action of the power mechanism, and the heat storage body is constantly heated on the high-temperature half circle side, absorbing heat; When rotating to the low-temperature semicircle side, it is cooled and releases heat. This process repeats itself, recovering some of the energy (cold and heat) from the exhaust air into the fresh air. A moisture absorbing material is coated on the surface of the aluminum foil to create a fully heated rotor. The moisture in the airflow enters the moisture absorbing coating and is released when the rotor reaches another airflow. The composition of the rotor type heat recovery fresh air fan is to use the exchange of sensible and latent heat between the fresh air and exhaust air to recover energy, achieving energy conservation and maintaining good ventilation. In summer, the fresh air can be pre cooled and dehumidified, and in winter, it can be preheated and humidified.

Principle of rotary heat recovery fresh air unit

Plate type air-to-air heat exchanger made of polymer PP material

The plate type air-to-air heat exchanger made of polymer PP (polypropylene) material is a heat exchange device based on polypropylene material, mainly used for heat exchange between gases. Here are its main features and application areas:

Main features:
Corrosion resistance: PP material has strong chemical corrosion resistance and is suitable for acidic or alkaline gas environments, especially performing well in industrial environments with strong corrosiveness.

Lightweight: Compared to metal heat exchangers, PP material heat exchangers are lighter in weight, making them easier to install and maintain.

Good thermal stability: Polypropylene has good thermal stability and can typically operate within a temperature range of -10 ° C to+95 ° C.

High cost-effectiveness: Due to the low cost of PP material and relatively easy processing, the overall cost is relatively economical.

Environmental friendliness: Polypropylene is a recyclable polymer material with minimal impact on the environment after disposal.

Main application areas:
Chemical and pharmaceutical industries: used for heat recovery or temperature regulation of corrosive gases.
Exhaust gas treatment system: During the air purification process, heat is recovered from harmful gases through a heat exchanger.
Food processing: In some food production processes, it is used for gas exchange to maintain the stability of environmental temperature.
HVAC system: Used in the ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings for air preheating or pre cooling, improving energy efficiency.
The plate type air-to-air heat exchanger made of polypropylene material has become an ideal choice for many specific industrial fields due to its unique corrosion resistance and good cost-effectiveness.

How does a counterflow heat exchanger work?

In the counterflow heat exchanger, two neighboring aluminum plates create channels for the air to pass through. The supply air passes on one side of the plate and the exhaust air on the other. Airflows are passed by each other along parallel aluminum plates instead of perpendicular like in a crossflow heat exchanger. The heat in the exhaust air is transferred through the plate from the warmer air to the colder air.

Sometimes, the exhaust air is contaminated with humidity and pollutants, but airflows never mix with a plate heat exchanger, leaving the supply air fresh and clean.

야채, 차, 콩 건조실, 제습 및 습기제거 공기열교환기

야채, 차, 콩 등 농산물의 건조 과정에서는 건조 과정의 품질과 효율성을 보장하기 위해 효율적인 제습 및 제습 시스템이 필요합니다. 가스 열교환기는 이 과정에서 중요한 역할을 합니다. 야채, 차, 콩 건조실의 제습 및 제습 시스템에 대해 자세히 소개하면 다음과 같습니다.

제습 과정:
건조실의 습하고 뜨거운 공기는 배기팬을 통해 흡입되며, 공기열교환기를 통과하면서 유입되는 건조공기와 열교환을 하게 됩니다.
열교환기를 통과한 후 배출되는 습하고 뜨거운 공기의 온도는 낮아지고, 수증기는 액체 물로 응축되어 배출됩니다.
유입되는 건조공기는 열교환기에 의해 예열되어 건조실로 유입되어 건조효율이 향상됩니다.

애플리케이션 시나리오
야채 건조 : 고추, 당근, 양배추 등의 온도와 습도를 조절하여 건조된 야채의 색과 영양이 파괴되지 않습니다.
차 건조 : 녹차, 홍차, 우롱차 등의 경우 적절한 온도와 습도 조절을 통해 차의 향과 품질을 유지합니다.
콩류 건조 : 콩, 녹두, 팥 등을 열풍으로 고르게 건조하여 콩의 건조도와 저장 품질을 보장합니다.

야채, 차, 콩 건조실에 가스공기 열교환기를 적용하여 효율적인 제습 및 제습 기능을 통해 건조 공정의 에너지 효율과 제품 품질을 향상시켰습니다. 합리적인 설계와 사용은 에너지 소비와 운영 비용을 크게 줄이는 동시에 환경 친화적이므로 현대 건조 기술에서 없어서는 안될 부분입니다.

고온 용접 스테인리스 강판 열교환기

고온 용접 스테인레스 강판 열교환기는 여러 개의 얇은 스테인레스 강판을 쌓아 수많은 마이크로 채널을 형성함으로써 유체 간의 열교환을 달성하는 효율적인 열교환 장치입니다. 이러한 유형의 열교환기는 구조가 콤팩트하고 열 전달 효율이 높으며 내열성, 내식성 등의 장점이 있으며 특히 고온 조건에서 가스 폐열 회수에 적합합니다. 열교환기의 한쪽에는 고온 가스가 들어가고 반대쪽에는 저온 가스가 들어갑니다. 두 종류의 가스가 얇은 스테인레스 강판의 채널에서 열을 교환하고, 고온 가스는 저온 가스로 열을 전달하여 폐열 회수를 달성합니다. 산업용로, 야금 산업, 화학 산업, 소각로 및 기타 장소에서 널리 사용됩니다. 판형 열교환기는 가스 폐열 회수에 상당한 이점을 갖고 있어 에너지 활용 효율을 효과적으로 향상시키고 생산 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다. 이러한 유형의 열교환기를 선택 및 사용할 때에는 고온가스의 특성, 공정 요구사항 등의 요소를 종합적으로 고려하고 적절한 모델 및 재질을 선택해야 합니다.

plate heat exchanger

연도가스 백화 및 탈백화를 위해 bxb 판형 열교환기 사용

철강, 코크스, 화학공업, 보일러 등의 배가스는 대부분 분무 또는 습식탈황을 거쳐 배출되며, 온도는 45~80℃까지 떨어진다. 이때, 배가스는 포화된 습윤 배가스로서, 배가스에는 다량의 수증기가 포함되어 있으며, 여기에는 절삭염, 삼산화황, 겔분진, 미세분진 등(헤이즈의 중요한 구성성분 모두)이 포함되어 있다.
Smoke whitening refers to the removal of some moisture from the smoke before it is discharged into the atmosphere, in order to prevent the chimney from emitting white smoke and reduce its impact on the environment. Normally, smoke whitening involves first cooling and condensing the smoke, followed by heating it. The main component of the air flue gas whitening unit is the BXB plate heat exchanger. In the plate heat exchanger, ambient air is used to cool the flue gas, thereby precipitating water from the flue gas. Afterwards, the flue gas is reheated to increase its temperature, so that there will be no "white smoke" when the flue gas is discharged into the atmospheric environment.
