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Indirect Cooling in Data Centers

Modern data centers are remarkably technologically complex, and keeping them running safely and efficiently requires continual close monitoring and management.

Maintaining the correct temperature is among the most important tasks faced by data center managers. Should the temperature and humidity rise to excessive levels inside the data center, condensation can start forming, damaging the machines within. This can cause massive damage and disruption, so it must be avoided at all costs. Fortunately, various technologies are on hand that can help keep data center temperatures at the right level.

There are numerous ways to cool a data center. Indirect air cooling uses external air, but by including an air-to-air heat exchanger, the outside air is kept in a separate loop, providing cooling without entering the server room.

Indirect cooling methods benefit by not contaminating the inside air with outdoor air pollutants and humidity. A heat exchanger keeps both airstreams separated while transferring the heat from the inside to the outside of the data center building. Consequently, the ambient and indoor air never mix.

Dry cooling is usually sufficient if the data center is located in a consistently low-temperature area, meaning no water is involved. However, by spraying water on the ambient air side of the heat exchanger, an evaporative effect is achieved, resulting in a lower indoor air temperature. This method is called indirect evaporative cooling (IEC).

Ideally suited for warm, dry climates, IEC provides excellent cooling potential with low operational- and first-cost. Ambient temperature reductions of 6-8 °C (10-15 °F) are typical in summer conditions. IEC provides up to 28% in energy savings compared to conventional free cooling and 52% to air-cooled Free Cooling alternatives.

Evaporative cooling requires a plate heat exchanger that balances high efficiency with low pressure drop, offers solid corrosion protection, and reliable water tightness. Cross-flow heat exchangers meet all these requirements while providing outstanding cooling capacity.

Our crossflow heat exchangers, especially with evaporative cooling technology, provide an efficient, low-cost, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cooling methods.

Indirect Cooling in Data Centers

Sistema de resfriamento indireto ar-ar do gerador eólico

Cind fundo do sistema de energia

A energia eólica é um tipo de energia limpa, com características de energia renovável, livre de poluição, grande energia e amplas perspectivas. O desenvolvimento de energias limpas é a escolha estratégica de todos os países do mundo.

No entanto, se o ar for alimentado diretamente na cabine do gerador para resfriamento, a poeira e o gás corrosivo serão trazidos para dentro da cabine (especialmente turbinas eólicas instaladas offshore).

Solução de sistema de refrigeração indireta

O método de resfriamento indireto pode fazer com que o ar de dentro e de fora realize troca indireta de calor para obter o efeito de resfriar a cabine do gerador eólico sem trazer poeira e gases corrosivos de fora para dentro da cabine.

O principal componente do sistema de refrigeração indireta é o trocador de calor a placas BXB. No trocador de calor a placas BXB, dois canais são separados por folha de alumínio. O ar na cabine tem circulação fechada e o ar externo tem circulação aberta. Os dois ares estão fazendo troca de calor. O ar da cabine transfere calor para o ar externo, o que reduz a temperatura do gerador eólico. Além disso, o ar dentro e fora da cabine não será misturado devido ao isolamento da folha de alumínio, que evita que poeira e gases corrosivos de fora da cabine sejam trazidos para dentro da cabine.

Análise do efeito de resfriamento

Taking a 2MW unit as an example, the motor's heat generation is 70kW, The circulating air volume in the engine room is 7000m3/h and the temperature is 85℃. The outside circulating air volume is 14000m3/h and the temperature is 40℃. Through the BXB1000-1000 plate heat exchanger, the air temperature in the cabin can be reduced to 47℃ and the heat dissipation capacity can reach 72kW. The relevant parameters are as follows:

Sistema de resfriamento indireto ar-ar do gerador eólico

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