Using bxb plate heat exchanger for flue gas whitening and de whitening

Using bxb plate heat exchanger for flue gas whitening and de whitening

The flue gas of steel, coking, chemical industry and boiler is mostly sprayed or wet desulfurized before discharge, and the temperature drops to 45~80 ℃. At this time, the flue gas is saturated wet flue gas, and the flue gas contains a large amount of water vapor, which contains ablative salt, sulfur trioxide, gel dust, micro dust, etc. (all important components of haze).
Smoke whitening refers to the removal of some moisture from the smoke before it is discharged into the atmosphere, in order to prevent the chimney from emitting white smoke and reduce its impact on the environment. Normally, smoke whitening involves first cooling and condensing the smoke, followed by heating it. The main component of the air flue gas whitening unit is the BXB plate heat exchanger. In the plate heat exchanger, ambient air is used to cool the flue gas, thereby precipitating water from the flue gas. Afterwards, the flue gas is reheated to increase its temperature, so that there will be no "white smoke" when the flue gas is discharged into the atmospheric environment.

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