Tag Archive fresh air system

Purify air conditioning fresh air system

Medical treatment, biopharmaceutical and high-end electronic intelligence industries have emerged as the country's large-scale industrial strategy, and these industries cannot be separated from the application of purification systems. Because of the particularity of the purification system, the introduction of fresh air and the discharge of some indoor air are realized by power, so the demand for energy is fixed. In the system without new and exhaust energy recovery devices, fresh air will consume a lot of energy, while the energy in exhaust air will be wasted. If the energy in exhaust air can be recovered and the fresh air can be pre-cooled or preheated, the waste of resources can be reduced to the maximum extent. The system mode of strong delivery and strong exhaust is more conducive to the arrangement and utilization of new and exhaust energy recovery.

In the air conditioning system design of major hospitals, treatment centers and animal laboratories, in order to avoid cross pollution, the distance between new fans and exhaust fans is usually relatively far. Our company can provide liquid circulating energy recovery scheme. This energy recovery method can effectively avoid cross-contamination of fresh and exhaust air, effectively recover the cold heat in exhaust air through liquid circulation, and release the recovered energy into fresh air, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing energy consumption of fresh air. This recovery system can drag one or more modes.

Historical source of fresh air system

As early as 1906, when studying air and human health, Mr. Al, an indoor environment scientist at the British Institute of Natural Environment, found that the index of indoor air was very different from the content of air components in the outdoor natural environment. This change in indoor and outdoor air quality had a great impact on human health. He took the lead in proposing that indoor and outdoor air can reach a relatively close degree through effective ventilation, and that air is the first element of human health. After years of research, he invented the method of forced mechanical ventilation to realize the replacement of indoor and outdoor air, and named it fresh air system.

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